Advantages and Disadvantages of Studio Photography
Advantages -
- The advantages of working in the studio is that you will be working inside so anything that might affect you taking pictures outside, things like weather and light etc.. will not affect you in the studio, you can control all that all that your self and make the changes you need. For example, you might need the lighting to be really bright on your photo so in the studio you could do that, you could make them changes where as if you was taking the picture outside you'd have to work with whatever the weather was like as it might be raining and a really dull day you wouldn't get the finished look you wanted.
Disadvantages -
- The disadvantages of working in the studio is that you would have to bring objects in your self of prepare it in the studio where as if you was outside you could walk around and find different types of things to take pictures of in different ways and shapes.
- You might want a more 'natural' look to your photo which you couldn't get in the studio
- You are limited to just simple black and white in the studio
- There is a limited space that you have if you are working in the studio
- Say if you wanted to chuck water around for the finished look on your picture you couldn't do that because of all the electrical equipment in the studio, there is a lot of things that could easily get broke.
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